I can't seem to let this story die. It's basically about a boy from the normal universe being transported to the dimension of Fae, or Faerie as the myths tell it, and I've been over the plot over and over for years, but I've never been satisfied.
Now I'm going over it again. Only this time I'm only allowed to look at basic note documents and I'm never to even touch the old revisions as this will be a completely revised plot. I guess I'm just too fond of it. Its one of the only books I've ever actually completed, its a good story idea but the logic in it was just too....blah. If I keep the new script pure I might actually be able to pull this story off.
On a side note. The comics are going well. I've already drawn up 6 strips and I just have to find time to ink them over and scan them in. And then hopefully there will be no technical difficulties posting them here.