Sunday, February 6, 2011

Resolutions Revised

The Tri thing is still on, it's the "sending something into a publisher by December 31" that I'm having trouble dealing with.

The thing is, I truly know nothing about the biz in published writing. The more I read and study on the subject the more I realize this fact. Many people can do what I do. They can come up with exciting stories with good plots and great climax's and endings....hundreds of these stories are turned down every year. So what makes a good book fresh and exciting to someone who sees millions of manuscripts a year? How do you entice the people who have seen "everything!" before? Because it's those editors and agents you really need to impress, not just an audience percentage.

So I've changed my goals to include a deeper disciplined study into the writing and publishing field. When I bought those other books I also bought, "The Art of War for Writers" by James Scott Bell. I haven't really gotten into it yet, but the concept is fascinating to me because it is based off of the Chinese General Sun Tzu's "Art of War" concepts. I've always had a healthy interest in Asian and other ancient cultures. General Sun Tzu was the great strategist who lived between 400-320 B.C. (the exact dates are still debatable) So I expect some great things from this book.

"Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances." - Sun Tzu

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