Saturday, February 20, 2010

Treasure Hunt

Last night I watched Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium. A brilliant movie full of child-like wonder and a great cast. The plot was just a little bit off, but still really good.

The movie reminded me of a another reason why I want to write. I never have to grow up through my writing. I can be whatever age I want to be from 7-70. Writing is just an extension of pretend games I used to play as a child. And I've always been rather stubborn about this whole growing up nonsense anyway. Growing up is such a hassle.

The movie also reminded me of a book idea I had had a few years back. I went my files and found some chapter ideas, scenes, and notes on it. It's a wonderful story about how powerful a child's imagination can be. Its full of friendship, adventure, suspense, and maybe a romantic twist. (that has yet to be decided) The over all message was that imagination is essential to child-hood development, inventions, crafts, and over all adult happiness. Never, never, ever try to squash someones imaginations or dreams. It's those dreams that shape everyone's futures. We wouldn't have light-bulbs without them.

I think I might try and finish this story idea along side revising my other story. It was always meant to be a short story and the plot isn't very complicated. Hmmm, maybe I should switch my goal to publishing two books this year? Naw, but hopefully at least one of them does get published.

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