I was so encouraged by my peers and friends reaction to midnight manor I've recently planed out a whole series! O.k. so it's a trilogy, but it's a GOOD trilogy, full of fantastical monsters, a healthy dose of adventure, scar fair, and yes, a slight bit of romance.
Here's the plan, I'm expecting a list of literary classics from my Creative Writing teacher because according to him, (and who am I to argue?) I need to recon with the "greats" before I can consider myself a legit author. Even if I never write a book with quite their style I need to know what worked before. Kinda like the universal English rule where once you know the rules you can break them? Yeah, I've been breaking rules since I was in middle school, but I can only see an upside to this "summer homework." And while I'm reading a mountain of classics I'll be weaving new and exciting tales about monsters and researching the market.
I'm planning to stick to my English Major and Exercise Physiology Minor and see where it takes me. Cause once again I've proven to myself that math and science is more than just difficult for me, it's next to impossible at the college level. What can I say? It's hard to pay attention to subjects that don't interest me. Oh well.
Anyway, this is the year that I get a million rejections from publication companies and (hopefully, cross fingers!) get one acceptance. Wish me luck!
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