It's official. I love my job. End of story.
I am a writing tutor and my students are usually freshmen. They come to our office and I sit with them and talk about the pieces they have assigned in the class and give them a short grammar lesson. It may be required work for them to come see me once a week, but for me it's weekly fun!
For instance, I just had a student who wanted to write her final paper about when her family adopted a little girl and custody battle that followed. This papers only guideline is that they need to use all of the tools that they've learned through the semester in being physically, emotionally, and psychology descriptive. Meaning being able to show me the place, make me feel what they felt, and perhaps get a relate able moral to boot.
This is a place where I get to put my psychologist hat on. In addition to the question, "How did you feel about that?" I ask "What else can you tell me about this event? At what point did you have the change of heart? Is there a specific moment or was it gradual?" It's great. And I usually get a laugh out of it.
In other news. Crystal is sitting right next to me and is acting like a creeper! Haha, just kidding. She's my dance buddy and new friend as of this year. She teaches with the enemy tutors "across the glass" eeeevvvviiiillll. Anyway gotta go.
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