Monday, January 25, 2010


So the people from demand studios denied my application. Oh well. The idea has made me think of branching out into the freelance field anyway. Maybe they'll accept me later?

In other news I'm a little discouraged. Writers tend to be the hardest on their own work as far as how "good" it is. For me, I get periods of, "The whole plot is stupid" and loose the drive to write. But I'm not giving up. I'm going to do just as D told me. Read others experiences and hopefully be able to pick myself back up.

Writing is not an easy field. Far from it. Word smiths have to work hard to find the clearest most interesting combination of words to give their readers the best experience. That said. I apologize for the last couple of posts that didn't ring clear in the readers ear. Even in a blog, I should make every word count. It's hard, but the results are worth it. And the writing buzz is intoxicating. I just can't stop! I still have eleven months before my personal deadline. Wish me luck!

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