Monday, January 18, 2010

Revisions, revisions, revisions...I could hang myself with a rope made of revisions.

Not surprising really. Since I made the original manuscript when I was sixteen and have rarely touched it since. I'm still convinced that it's a good story plot with excitement and a clear message. It's the execution that needs work. The stuff that demands readers to journey to the last page.

The problem comes from me settling into a coma-like state while I'm writing. Everything makes sense from a dreamlike standpoint. But to someone who's awake and alert and wants an adventure. I might as well give them a pillow and some NyQuil.

The good news is that I've found an antidote to my sleep writing. Don't work on any chapter or scene for more than an hour. This trick keeps me on my toes and my brain awake to the position and logic of the plot. It still needs a lot of work. But I'm convinced that I'll have a publishable work by the end of January, if not February.

I still need to fix some overall problems I noticed from creating my second draft. So I'll be hoping chapters for the next couple of weeks. Then I'll go through for a third-draft and hopefully by then (cross-fingers) it'll be almost ready for an editor to help me make it perfect.

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