I applied for a freelance job online at demandstudios.com. A friend told me it was a good way to build a portfolio and gain experience. I'm a little apprehensive. From what he said, it sounded too good to be true. You know the saying, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." But I'm going to give it a shot. And if I'm hired, I could start building a much needed published portfolio and an experience log. I could also earn some money to help pay for school. Still, I have those, "between application and hire or de-nire" misgivings.
Right now, I feel like a teenager applying for a credit card. You remember those days? No one would give you a card, because you had no credit. But you had no credit, because no one would give you a card. I'm hoping that this won't turn out to be the same thing, only instead of credit, its the number of published works.
My current "portfolio" is made up of saved documents from college assignments. But I hope to add to it by publishing my book, some articles, and whatever else strikes my creative fancy. I already want to sign up for the class that's in charge of the school newspaper. That way if demand studios doesn't hire me, I can start building a portfolio anyway and maybe apply again later.
Wish me luck!
Go to Elance.com or Odesk.com or Guru.com and apply for freelance jobs. You will then have articles to put in a portfolio. They don't pay much but at least you will be getting some writing samples from the jobs.